Brading Church of England Primary School - Early Years

School run Early Years setting for children aged from 2 years. Term time only

Who to contact

01983 407217 01983 407217
Brading Church of England Primary School
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Where to go

West Street
Isle of Wight
PO36 0DS
View PO36 0DS on a map

Time / Date Details

When is it on
7:45am to 2:30pm

Local Offer

How does the setting/school/college know if children/young people need extra help and what should I do if I think my child/young person may have special educational needs?

Brading CE Primary School recognises parents and carers as partners in children's education. We are happy to discuss any concerns you have about your child’s progress at any time.

We operate an open-door policy, and first contact should be with the class teacher. All teachers are happy to speak to parents at the end of the school day, either informally or by prior arrangement.

We have three parent/carer evenings a year and provide one full report issued at the end of the year

If you still feel concerned after having spoken to the class teacher, you can contact the headteacher or Inclusion Lead.

Parent/carer meetings are held as required with the Inclusion Lead if required.

Brading C.E. Primary is committed to early identification of all areas of concern. A range of evidence is collected through assessment, monitoring and discussions with children.

Class teachers will arrange a meeting with you if they have concerns about your child.

We always seek your views when planning the next steps for your child.

Parents/carers are provided with the Complaints Policy which is followed appropriately.

Extra support needed is identified in half termly pupil progress meetings. These are between the class teacher, Inclusion Lead and Headteacher. They identify which children require additional support and staff will be allocated accordingly.

Any child requiring extra support is carefully monitored to ensure they progress at an accelerated rate.

All resources and support are reviewed regularly and changes made as required.

If your child is not making progress with the support we have available in school we may ask advice from other agencies

How will early years setting/school/college staff support my child/young person?

Early Years are the same as the rest of the school. This approach to all children starts in their first year at Brading C.E. Primary.

After consultation between Headteacher, Inclusion Lead, class teacher and parents, all the advice, support and services are available to all children as already detailed in this document.

How will the curriculum be matched to my child's/young person's needs?

Teaching will be differentiated by the class teacher. This will depend on the learning needs of your child and the level they are working at.

If any specialist equipment is required, it will be provided by the school to support your child. We are a fully inclusive school and we strive to provide a curriculum that is matched to the needs of your child so that they can enjoy their learning and unlock their potential. Appropriate layers of challenge will be planned for.

The class teacher and Inclusion Lead will keep detailed records and monitoring information about your child’s progress.

If requested the Inclusion Lead will meet each term with parents and discuss their child's learning and achievement. Quality first teaching and next steps in learning will be discussed, together with possible strategies for home support. Half termly records of intervention programmes will be shared at these meetings. Other meetings can be arranged as required.

Three parent/carer evenings will take place during the academic year. Teachers will also provide one full report at the end of the academic year.

Weekly homework is set which is matched to your child’s needs, as well as daily reading. Should you have any questions regarding homework and support, the class teacher is available to provide additional explanation.

How will both you and I know how my child/young person is doing and how will you help me to support my child's/young person's learning?

Teachers and Teaching Assistants assess children’s progress on a daily basis

Pupil progress meetings are held half termly, where targets are set for your child to achieve. In circumstances where teachers decide that a child has not made adequate progress, the teacher and the Inclusion Lead will review the approaches adopted and agree SEND support.

Adequate progress is defined as that which:

  • narrows the attainment gap between the pupil and their peers
  • prevents the attainment gap increasing
  • is equivalent to that of peers starting from the same baseline but less than the majority of peers
  • equals or improves the pupil's previous progress rate
  • ensures full curricular access
  • shows an improvement in self-help, social or personal skills
  • shows improvements in the pupil’s behaviour

We also monitor and keep records of children’s Emotional, Social and Mental Health needs. All incidents are logged in conjunction with our Anti Bullying Policy.

Class teachers will arrange a meeting with you if they have concerns about your child.

The Inclusion Lead will meet termly with parents, if requested, to discuss learning and achievement. Quality first teaching and next steps in learning will be discussed, together with possible strategies for home support. Half termly records of intervention programmes will be shared at these meetings. Other meetings can be arranged as required.

Three parent/carer evenings will take place during the academic year. Teachers will also provide one full report at the end of the academic year.

Weekly homework is set which is matched to your child’s needs, as well as daily reading. Should you have any questions regarding homework and support, the class teacher is available to provide additional explanation.

What support will there be for my child's/young person's overall well being?

As a church school, our motto is ‘Unlocking potential’ by being a TEAM that TRUST each other. We see children as individuals, with individual needs. We are there to support children and their families.

Nominated pupils develop their pupil voice through taking part in the Mini Governors. They provide regular updates to the Governing Body.

Celebration Worship, Positive praise/rewards, Individual reward charts if required.

We have a medicine policy in place and well-trained staff to support your child’s needs.

At Brading C.E. Primary we have a whole school Behaviour Policy in place. We always try to identify the underlying cause for unwanted behaviour. This ensures that support is effective and matched to a child’s need.

When required, we work with an individual child and their family. We will provide an individual programme of behaviour support.

We work with the Educational Welfare Service and follow the IOW Attendance Policy. We have monthly meetings with the Educational Welfare Officer (EWO) and all children’s attendance is monitored. Termly letters are sent to parents giving them an update on individual attendance. Overall school attendance is included in the weekly newsletter. When required, School Attendance Meetings (SAM) are held. These are with the EWO, the school and parents to discuss attendance issues on a support basis.

We also use the Early Help Assessment (EHA) process to provide additional support. This is alongside with behaviour support plans

We use a range of timetables that are modified to meet the needs of the individual child

We have highly trained and skilled staff who are able to provide a range of pastoral support which enables the achievement and progress of the children.

We use a number of social, emotional and wellbeing programmes such as THRIVE, Healing Classrooms, Trauma Attachment Awareness, MAYBO. Other pastoral support activities are also used to improve the wellbeing of all children.

What specialist services and expertise are avaliable at or accessed by the setting/school/college?
  • Educational Psychology – Hampshire County Council
  • Primary Behaviour Support Service
  • Specialist teachers for Dyscalculia & Dyslexia
  • Specialist support for Autism – Medina House School
  • Family Liaison Officer
  • Education & Inclusion Officer
  • Teacher for Hearing and Sight Impaired
  • Health Visitor
  • Early Years Speech & Language -NHS (including complex needs support across all year groups)
  • Counselling Services
  • Children & Young Adults Disability Team
  • Early years SEN Team
  • Portage
  • Speech & Language Local Authority
  • Children & Young Adults Disability Team
  • School Nurse
  • NHS Occupational Therapy & NHS Physiotherapy
  • Specialist Teacher for the Visually & Hearing Impaired
What training have the staff supporting children and young people with SEND had?

Our experienced Headteacher has a vast range of qualifications. She has experience of working with children with additional needs.

We employ an Inclusion Lead. They have a wide experience of effective learning, teaching and assessment strategies.

The Inclusion Lead attends the SENCO briefing meetings. These are held half termly across the IOW and up to date information is shared.

The school has a rigorous Continual Professional Development (CPD) programme for all staff. This improves teaching and supports children’s learning, including those with additional SEND.

Depending on the individual needs of staff and children bespoke training courses are run when required.

We sign up to the Training and Development Service from the IOW LA. They offer a range of courses to support children with additional needs.

Every six weeks, a pupil progress meeting is held to discuss individual children and advice is provided by Headteacher and Inclusion Lead to support the additional needs of a child.

How will my child / young person be included in activities, including trips run by your setting?

We are a fully inclusive school.

We have an accessibility policy and plan in place, which is reviewed annually.

We have a range of support for those children who have additional needs- i.e. accessible parking facility and accessible toilet.

Trips and visits are encouraged and made accessible for all, including undertaking risk assessment for each trip/activity

We have a varied After School Club programme, all of which is available for children in Years 1-6.

How accessible is your education setting? (Indoors and outdoors)

We are a fully inclusive school.

We have an accessibility policy and plan in place, which is reviewed annually.

How will the setting or school prepare and support my child to join the setting, school or the next stage of education and life?

We recognise that transitions can be difficult for a child with SEND. We take steps to ensure that any transition is as smooth as possible, including:

When moving years in school, all information is shared between staff.

When moving to a new school, the Inclusion Lead will contact and make arrangements to share information and support required for the transition to be as smooth as possible.

All records are discussed with, and sent as soon as possible to, the new school.

We have close links with the onsite pre-school provider and we also work closely with other pre-schools when required.

We have close links with our feeder secondary schools; meeting with them and parents/carers of our more vulnerable children in preparation for Year 7.

Additional transition sessions are put in place if and when required.

How are the education setting resources allocated and matched to children and young people's Special Educational Needs and disabilities?

The school will allocate the appropriate amount of core per-pupil funding and notional SEND budget outlined in the Local Offer for the SEND provision of its pupils.

Personal budgets are allocated from the LA’s high needs funding block. The school will continue to make SEND provision from its own budgets, even if a pupil has an EHC plan.


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